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Who We Are


    We are Jefferson Community Center's Mock Trial Team, located right in the heart of Beacon Hill. We are the only community center present at the annual YMCA Mock Trial Competition and we strive to give everyone the opportunity to practice law. We familiarize the members of the team with the law system and teach them the rights they have as a citizen of the United States. At Jefferson, we honor other people's desire to learn. Practicing lawyers are brought in to teach the team how to become great lawyers and witnesses.
     In addition, students earn community service hours for each practice that they attend. A usually Mock Trial season will give over 100 community service hours. At Jefferson, we believe that by learning law, you are doing a service to the community by being an informed citizen. We believe that even if you don’t give back now, you will certainly give back in the future. For more information, please feel free to talk to one of our Mock Trial members.




























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